Do you have your job in sight?
Would you like to find out about job profiles in your field of study or explore current career opportunities?
Our job profile catalog,, provides an overview of exciting careers in technology and science. It not only provides career guidance, but is also a first step towards career planning.
Your advantages:
- Current job profiles in technology and natural sciences
- Entry and career opportunities
- Specific details on tasks and requirements
- Innovative and forward-looking
Use the catalog to orient yourself, make contact with potential employers and find your dream job.
Compare your goals with the opportunities on offer, select interesting job profiles and get in touch with the relevant companies.
Set your sights on your dream job and take on the challenge!
Enjoy reading!
Are innovative solutions your strength?
Are you determined and want to make a difference?
Do you tackle the challenges of the energy transition creatively and independently?
Process improvements with initiative and innovation
Are you confident and can communicate your ideas convincingly?
Do you have the talent to plan and implement projects efficiently?
Do you understand new concepts quickly and enjoy interacting with customers?
Do you understand complex interrelationships and want to develop the energy value chain further?
Do you enjoy working with colleagues and know that the best ideas come from teamwork?
Are you interested in IT security and have a good feel for business contexts?
Further reading
Any questions?
Gloria Krenn