CV & cover letter
Get inspiration and an overview for the professional design of your application documents here:
Job interview
During a job interview, you will almost certainly be asked questions about your background, personality and interests. To help you prepare well for these interviews, we have compiled the most frequently asked questions:
Job search
If you are looking for new jobs, you will find a comprehensive selection of online job platforms here:
Careers are highly personal and individual. There is no one dream career for everyone. Successful job and career planning is not only based on professional interests, but is also closely linked to your personality.
Our career.planner helps you with your reflective career planning:
- With this extraordinary guide, we have rewritten career planning for you.
- This guide is structured like an exciting workshop: With tools, tips and insights, you can get to know and develop yourself better.
You are an active part of your own career planning, which you can explore here in a playful, exploratory way.
We also offer consulting services to support you with specific topics or the entire planning process.
An essential part of your career planning is the experience. Through initial experiences, you can find out whether certain ideas are less suitable in practice or discover new aspects that you had not previously thought of.
The career.planner is therefore designed to be dynamic and not linear.
Get started right away and browse through it: - Companies answer your questions
In the mein.job magazine & blog, company representatives and HR experts provide answers to students' questions as well as important tips and insights into the application process. Read it right here >>