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TU Vienna Career Center under new management

Julia Hainitz, MA takes over the management of the Career Center of the Vienna University of Technology. The team kicked off a new academic year and a new era together with TU Wien, customers and students at the "Wine & Cabaret" networking evening.

Text: Mag. Natascha-Simone Paul

Foto: Patrizia Koppenberger

Vienna, October 2023 - Under the motto "#new energy #new motivation #new talents", the event was held at TUtheSky on October 5. Around 90 guests welcomed Julia Hainitz in her new role as Managing Director. In her opening speech, the trained business economist emphasized the primary goal of her new role, the connection between university and business: "Our students and our business partners know that we offer innovative formats and have high quality standards. But that alone is not what makes us special."

Recognize your own talents, discover exciting companies

The TU Career Center makes TU Wien students aware of the importance of early career orientation during their studies. It is about recognizing your own talents and discovering exciting companies in order to pursue a suitable and meaningful career path. A survey among customers and partners confirms the top features of the TU Career Center: service quality, appreciative, open communication and reliability. Together with her team of HR, employer branding and communication experts, the new head wants to continue on this path: "These values are important to us and we will continue to live by them," promises Hainitz. "And in our formats, we not only pay attention to the needs of students and companies, but also keep our finger on the pulse of society as a whole."

Recruiting format against unconscious bias

This year, the TU Career Center is hosting the "voice.of.diversity" format for the fourth time: an application process in a special setting can eliminate unconscious biases as far as possible. "We achieve this through the use of socio-technical solutions developed at TU Wien by the Center for Informatics and Society," explains Hainitz. The BOC Group is also convinced by the concept, says Managing Director Lukas Ramach: "Diversity was anchored in our corporate culture long before it became a trendy topic. When we heard about voice.of.diversity from the TU CareerCenter, it was immediately clear that it was a perfect fit for us," says Ramach. "The format helped us to focus on where we are confronted with biases despite all our openness. We have found employees from every round who are still with the company today."

Networking with wine & cabaret

Leonhardsberger & Schmid created a great atmosphere at the networking event with their musical cabaret "Da Billi Jean is ned mei Bua"; the young company Superwine presented the matching wine. At the end of the evening, the new Managing Director was highly motivated: "I'm looking forward to taking on this new role with energy and vigor."

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Julia Hainitz

Julia Hainitz, MA is taking over the management of the Career Center at the Vienna University of Technology. The 33-year-old has been responsible for the job fairs at TU Wien as project manager for over five years. She previously worked as a senior project manager specializing in IT, data protection and law at the premium conference provider imh.

TU Career Center

The TU Career Center is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Vienna University of Technology. With tailor-made programs and services, up to 30,000 students and 2,600 graduates are supported each year. The TU Career Center is a central point of contact for employer branding at TU Wien for over 1,000 national and international companies. In terms of integrated communication, the services are designed with comprehensive employer branding concepts in the form of targeted campaigns and publications as well as dialog groups.

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Your contact person

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Mag. Natascha-Simone Paul

Marketing & Brand Management, Project Management mein.job
m: +43 664 60 588 78 24
e: natascha.paul@tucareer.com


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